Tuesday 14 December 2010

Accidental Exposure?

I'm not too sure on how to start my first post so I guess I'll just speak about the arty stuff running loose in my mind at the moment:
Seeing as i haven't been in college today i thought it best not to waste the entire day in bed and so i went and took some images for the rural part of my project in Wythenshawe Park. Unfortunately, I've lost the top part of my tripod which connects it to my camera so i couldn't stay too long as it was too dark to take successful images - I'll have to pop back sometime next week in the morning to get more when it's light.
I'm thinking of adding different coloured gradients to these images to give the effect of an accidental exposure. For example when someone is using a film camera this usually happens where light has got to the film and so upon development there are parts of the image which have turned a reddy or orange colour. This can also be done purposely by opening the back of the camera very quickly whilst the film is still being used but the results are quite unpredictable. Also, none of the images in this post are mine, they have been found through google etc ect.

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